
New Fiscal Cliff Installation Legislation

New Fiscal Cliff Legislation Saves You Money On HVAC Installation On January 2nd, 2013, President Obama signed fiscal cliff prevention legislation that retroactively reinstates the 25C tax credits for highly energy-efficient HVAC and water heating equipment. The bill expired in December of 2011; however new legislation extends the HVAC tax credit through December 31, 2013,…

evaporator coil cleaning

Maintaining Heat Exchangers & Coils in NYC

Maintaining Heat Exchangers & Coils in Manhattan To Get Your HVAC System Ready for Winter Commercial HVAC systems rely on heat exchangers and coils to transfer heat in and out of the conditioned space. Heat exchangers are typically heated by natural gas burners, warming the air as it circulates through the heat exchanger, while coils…


Is Your Building Making You Sick?

Is Your Building Making You Sick? Your building could be hazardous to your health. If you, your employees, or tenants experience generalized symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, respiratory problems, and increased allergies that subside upon leaving the facility—your building may be “sick”. The Environmental Protection Agency defines “sick building syndrome” (SBS) as, “a situation in…


How Can Air Handler Sanitizing Benefit My Business?

How Can Air Handler Sanitizing Benefit My Business? It’s easy to forget how hard your air ducts work to keep your commercial properties comfortable. Air handler sanitizing is a great way to alleviate some of the stress placed on your HVAC systems by helping them run as efficiently as possible and keeping them free of…